…That’s what I thought as I sat with my laptop in a poolside cabana at the Ritz Carlton. I had free wifi, a gorgeous view and the occasional staff person dropping by with another glass of ice water. I didn’t spend a dime (outside of what I left for the guys who had been keeping me cool all day), and got loads done.
I left wondering, ”Why would anyone work from home – or Starbucks – if they could work from someplace like this???” I’ve always been someone who enjoys working outside the office, but that day at the Ritz ignited a passion to share my workspace gems with others.
That’s why I’m here, writing to you right now. I recognize that different places resonate with different people at different times and for different purposes… My goal here is to share the work habitats that I love most, in hopes that you’ll either dig them, be inspired to find others, or create spaces of your own.
Cheers! And happy working!