Sh*t’s getting crazy!
Wait – I’m lying. It’s been crazy ever since I quit my job and went to Peru.
But now it’s on a whole new level.
That was an experience, an adventure…
This is my LIFE.
I’m writing this post in my journal on Friday, 9.21, asI sit on a plane heading to my new life in NYC.
If you don’t know, I lived in NY for 5 years before losing my job and heading to SF and then LA to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. Life was easier in Cali. But the entire 4 years I spent there, I always missed New York. I’d reminisce over the smallest details – my bacon, egg and cheese on a roll, the guys who owned the restaurants on my block, the long walks through my favorite downtown neighborhoods and the random conversations with fascinating strangers. You couldn’t put me in a room with anyone who’d lived there without us going on and on about how there’s no place like NYC.
Fast forward to last Sunday (the 16th).
I woke up in the morning at a girlfriend’s house. Right on the beach. I’m talking sand front porch. It was early, but already a beautiful day. People were out walking dowgs, carrying surfboards down to the water, and I thought “God, it’s gorgeous here.” But strangely, it was immediately followed by, “I could get really complacent here.” My stomach turned. I thought of the day ahead. On Sundays, people gather by the beach volleyball nets and spend the day playing, watching, drinking, eating, chatting… Lather, rinse, repeat. It’s relaxing and fun – a good life.
But it’s not my life.
My ideal Sunday involves the NYT and a coffee, a mimosa/bloody mary, brunch with friends, walking around my favorite neighborhoods, or visiting Central Park. There might be music involved, or theatre, or a nice dinner at a downtown restaurant. There could be browsing through bookstores, shopping in Soho, catching an indie film, or attending one of the innumerable eclectic shows and events going on any day of the week. And ALL of this is usually within walking distance – or a short subway, but or bike ride. (Yes, I ride a bike in NYC – and love it.)
All of this came over me in one overwhelming wave. “I have to get back there.”
The how/when/what were all TBD. I just knew I had to find a way (and the courage) to cut the cord and go.
The first time I considered moving (in 2003), a friend gave me a piece of advice I’ll never forget: just pick a date, buy a one way ticket, and figure the rest out from there.
I needed a date.
Months ago, I had thought about moving in time for a conference I really wanted to attend in late Sept. (Mashable Social Good). And, although it kept tugging at me, I didn’t take any action. It was now less than a week away. Although I was convinced it was a long shot, I checked the prices on flights: $170!! Thought: That’s not bad at all! Ok, if – IF – I get serious about it, I can afford it.
Minutes later I got a very sweet call from an old friend in NY who I rarely hear from, followed by an email highlighting two events in nY happening the very same week.
Hmmm… Could these be signs? I hadn’t come to any conclusions yet, but decided to DECIDE TODAY. If I paid attention and listen to my gut, I’d know what to do.
By this time, coffee and the Sunday Times were calling. My friend and I went down the street to my favorite coffee shop and I decided to pop over to another place to try to snag a free paper. (Hey, the NYT is $6 and should have a good home when others are finished with it.)
Anyhoo… 10 seconds in, I ran into a friend who was visiting from SF, and who I’d just had a dinner with the Friday before. We got to talking, and he invited me to get involved in the LA operations of his new company. I said I’d love to, but was not planning to stay in LA. He invited me to meet the team in SF and get involved there. I gave him a “possibly” but that I really wanted to move back to NY. ”
“Perfect!” (or something similar) was his response. He was looking to expand there as well, and really put down roots starting with a big, collaborative launch event. Out of the blue, I heard something like, “Why don’t you take that on?” He started sketching it out and it sounded great! “I’d pay you, of course.” And his offer was even more generous than I ever would have thought.
Yes, I’m in.
And that was that. I was moving.
Him: How soon can you be there?
Me: How about this Friday?
Haha… Done.
It was amazing.
Within the span of about 3 hours, I had gone from lounging by the beach, readjusting to life after 2 months abroad, to planning a move to NY 5 days later.
Now you see what I mean about sh*t being CRAZY?!
I bought a plane ticket, paid for the conference and started looking into places to stay. At that point, even if it al fell through, I was going. And I’d make it work.
the next morning I woke up and checked my email. There was a message from PayPal. I’d bee sent money. The amount I said I’d need as an advance. And there was an email from my friend, too. It had lots of people cc’ed and talked about contracts and me being the new member of the team.
Ok, it was ON.
Cut to today.
After a whirlwind four days of packing, planning, loose end tying, and goodbyes, I’m on a plane. As I write this, we’re making our final approach. The fasten seat belt lights are off and my tray table is up.
My new life starts now.
It’s gonna be CRAZY – in the BEST possible way!