You don’t need an expensive web designer. You can get an AMAZING website for $40-80ish. Seriously. All it takes is a WordPress theme.
You may know WordPress as a blogging platform – or you may not know it at all. The important thing to know is that it functions much like the frame of a house, and you can then buy themes that let you put up the walls, pick paint colors, and even throw in some throw pillows. Most web hosting companies now have simple WordPress installs, and then it’s just a matter of finding a look you like with the functionality you need for your type of business. Set up can be a little frustrating while you figure out what goes where, but it’s worth it.
Here are my three favorite sites to look for themes. If you’re starting a new site or the one you have needs a major facelift, take a little time to play around with them… You and your bank account won’t regret it.
** If you’re wondering, I got the theme for this website from Elegant Themes. (It’s called “Notebook.”) Yes, I’m proud to say I did it m’self. Not going to lie, it took me a little while to work out some of the kinks, but it was well worth spending a afternoon figuring it out. Can you say “empowering”? 🙂