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PrayerI woke up this morning feeling down. Just one of those times when you’re questioning things… Feeling confused and discouraged.  I picked up one of my favorite go-to books when I need a voice of encouragement. It’s Marianne Williamson’s Illuminata. A book of prayers — reminders, really — that always seems to bring me back from the brink. Here’s the one that spoke to me today:

Dear God,

May I have meaningful work and meaningful activity in my life.

I desire to wake up each morning and feel that I am used on behalf of something glorious.

I want to feel, no matter what my work, that I dispense blessing, love, forgiveness, and kindness there to all I meet.

Help me to remember that You are the power.

May I not overglorify merchandizing or money or business.

May my work be Yours.

May my work be love.

Help me to remember that as I focus on the realm of heaven, everything else will take care of itself.

Help me have faith, to know the universe shall take care of me as I take care of it.

In this moment, I am willing to put aside all small and worthless values.

In this moment, I am willing to let go my attachment to money, popularity, power, prestige, the things of the world that I do not need.

For I know that they are all illusion, and except as they are sent by you, they lead me nowhere.

Thus shall I shine.,

And as I shine and sparkle, I shall radiate a power in this world, not of this world, and people will not fail to notice.

For I shall be as a star in a darkened sky.

I shall go to sleep knowing that I did as I have come here to do.

I shall be repaid by gratitude, shining in the eyes of my brothers.

Please shine in my heart.
